Are You Ready to Find a New Job?
Then don’t wait a minute longer and get the Loss to Boss How to Find a Job Book.
Not satisfied in your current job? Do you get bummed out on Sunday evening because you dread having to go to work the next day? Do you want to find another job, but you are paralyzed because you don’t know how to get started in successfully finding a job you love?
Sound familiar?
There may be many books about this topic, but this one is EXCELLENT --and the only one you'll need. It covers everything from that initial shock of job loss to finding a new position (and all the steps in between). Stunned paralysis ACTION ... to SUCCESS! Five stars!!!

Very well written!! Had tons of information to help make yourself more successful!!

The Loss to Boss How to Find a Job book can help you as a job hunter and career person navigate through the difficult areas of job searching, interviewing, writing resumes and cover letters and all of the other things you never realized you needed to know. In addition you’ll hear from real people who lost their job unexpectedly and how they bounced back into career success.
The book’s foreword is written by Dr. Tom Denham who has been a professional Career Counselor for over 30 years! He is also a motivational speaker who has helped hundreds of people find the career that is right for them.