This career matrix can help you to identify what you want from your career. Are you struggling to determine what job you want to apply for or even where you want to take your career? You are not alone. There are a ton of people out there trying to figure out “what they want to do when they grow up”. You may be surprised to learn that many people each day wonder what their life’s purpose is and are looking for more meaning to their daily meh life.
Let’s face it, it can be challenging to figure out what you want to do for the rest of your life. What if you didn’t have to? What if you just had to figure out what you were going to do next? Doesn’t that take such a large weight off of your shoulders? Who says you have to find one thing and do it forever?
We’ve all heard that it take 10,000 hours to be a professional at something so you better get started. Well we aren’t all cut out that way. Some of us don’t need to specialize in one thing for our entire lives. Don’t get me wrong, there are people out there that want and need to do that, and that’s terrific too! Either way, if you are looking for your life’s work, or, you are looking for your next thing, this career matrix can help you with that.
Instructions to Fill out the Career Matrix

- Download the Matrix Here: Career Matrix Template Download
- Either print it out or edit the pdf electronically.
- Write your job options across the top. These can be things that spark your interest or things you think you might want to do. If you are struggling to come up with options, check out this book on over 800 job options.
- Next, list your interests, skills, values along the left hand side. Brainstorm ideas and anything else that’s important to you along the left hand side.
- Work through each box and either write yes or no in the corresponding box for each interest and job option. Give it a yes if the job option relates and write no if it doesn’t.
- After completing it, see which 2 options have the most yes answers and begin to research those options as a possible path. You don’t have to stop with only 4 job options, the more you explore the better.