Ensure you have these top 10 things to bring on a job interview. It’s important to be prepared for your job interview and having the right things with you can help alleviate stress when headed out.
1. Several Copies of Your Resume
Be sure to print off several copies of your resume to have on hand for interviewers. This is an important thing to have with you, and it’s especially important if you’ve made updates since last applying. Print them out on some nice resume paper for a great impression.
2. A Professional Outfit
Dress to impress for your interview. Keep in mind the business you are applying to. What is their dress code? Be sure to align to the business but be impressive. A professional suite can get the interview off on the right foot. If you want to learn in more detail about what to wear and not wear on an interview, check out my interview course.
3. A Writing Instrument
Bring a pen or pencil to take notes. During the interview there will be some key information on how to answer questions and it’s helpful to be able to jot those down so you can speak to them when it’s your turn.
4. Note Pad
Have a note pad so you can write down important things. As above, having a place to write down notes is key to keeping focused during your interview and alleviate stress of being overwhelmed.
5. A Padfolio or Portfolio Folder
Having a padfolio or portfolio folder is a great way to organize all your items in a professional way. Showing up with pen in hand and a few pages of your resume printed out may not give the interviewer the best first impression.
6. Business Cards
Not a requirement, but definitely something that can set you apart from others and it can give your interviewers something to remember you by and make it easier for them to get back in touch with you. You can make your own cards for a very reasonable price and print them out at home using these.
7. A Copy of Your References
Have a copy of your references printed out and ready to provide. Being prepared for this can shorten the length of your entire interview process by alleviating the need for interviewers to wait for them. Be sure to provide their name, job title, company, and contact information. Have at least three professional references ready. Be sure to contact your references before giving their names out and make sure they are okay with being a reference on your behalf.
8. A Copy of Your Prepared Questions
Think of some questions beforehand so when the time comes and the interviewer(s) ask do you have any questions for us, you have something to say. It’s important to show your potential employer that you are eager and are starting to see yourself in the position already. Asking questions can begin to have the interviewer see you in that position as well.
9. A Brief Case or Bag
As mentioned earlier having some organization to your belongings is great for an interview. Look to put all your items in a carry bag, satchel, or brief case. This can make sure everything you have is organized and might even give you a little space for a bottle of water in case you get dry.
10. A Terrific Attitude and Smile
Be sure to show up with a terrific attitude. The positive energy you provide during an interview can make a real difference. Always remember to smile as it can go a long way.